Hockey Fever Holiday Camps

Hockey Fever Holiday Camp – Indoor

Join us for our on indoor hockey camp on 13 February 2024 – 14 February 2024 at Cheltenham Ladies’ College. With the help of RO Coaching we are delighted to bring you 2 days of indoor hockey fun! In true Hockey Fever fashion there will be lots of opportunity to play, play, play… with coaching mixed in.

Open to children aged 8 (or going into Year 3) to 15. We’re running morning sessions from 9:30am – 1:00pm with extended wrap around care (8:45am – 1:30pm).

Coaching will be differentiated so there will be the right activity level and challenge for all children. This camp is a chance to renew skills, have some fun, see friends, raise levels of fitness and keep active, enjoy playing with different people from different teams, learn new techniques and mostly importantly play games.

If you have any questions about the sessions or you’re not sure of anything then please get in touch.

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